We travel thousands of miles to sample our favorite adult beverages; will we explore our favorite cannabis in the same way?
We are no strangers to vacationing in Napa Valley for Northern California’s finest cabernet sauvignon or in Portland, Maine for its artisanal pilsners. In the coming years, excursions to Humboldt County, CA for blackberry fire sativas and Franklin County, MA for blue dream hybrids may join the aforementioned beverage capitals as hot-spots for adult cannabis consumption.
The 2020 election year saw cannabis provisions passed in Arizona, New Jersey, South Dakota, Mississippi and Montana with a slew of others expected to expand law for medical and recreational use in 2021.
These passages edge the United States closer and closer to the seemingly inevitable federal legalization which, in turn, enables cannabis businesses to acquire federal loans and maximize interstate commerce for farms and dispensaries nationwide.
While enjoyers of cannabis will travel freely uninhibited by combating interstate marijuana law, growers, organizers, and entrepreneurs stand to be the true benefactors of legalization. Businesspeople offering a true cannabis experience either on their farms, inside their dispensaries, or through their applications will have boundless opportunities for a national market ready to consume.
Operations like Puff Puff Pour run by the Oregon Cannabis Concierge offering selected marijuana and alcohol pairing sessions and Colorado Cannabis Tours offering grow house tours and glass blowing demonstrations offer a skeletal blueprint of potential marijuana attractions and activities ripe for exploration by the brightest minds in the business.
With an impending tsunami of opportunity and exploration on the horizon for users and enthusiasts, it’s predictable cannabis tech will follow suit and grow to accommodate its market and spread information.
A few applications already buzzing with industry traffic are WeedMaps, a dispensary mapper with information regarding sale-type, product listings and more and Bud and Breakfast, an AirBnB-style service connecting customers with cannabis-friendly accommodations worldwide provide valuable blueprints of cannabis-tech integration.
With a strong push toward federal legalization and hungry entrepreneurs ready to disrupt the market, it won’t be long until we flock to Lexington, Kentucky for a bluegrass-inspired indica paired with aged bourbon or Austin, Texas for sativa and spare ribs on a national cannabis tour with friends.
FYI Sources
- https://www.forbes.com/sites/advisor/2020/11/04/these-states-passed-provisions-to-legalize-marijuana-in-the-2020-election/?sh=365a3ddc62e3 – 2020 states passing cannabis provisions
- https://www.marijuanamoment.net/these-states-are-the-most-likely-to-legalize-marijuana-in-2021/ – states looking to push marijuana legislation in 2021 and beyond
- http://oregonscannabisconcierge.com/#welcome – Oregon Cannabis Concierge
- https://coloradocannabistours.com/ – Colorado Cannabis Tours
- https://weedmaps.com/ – Weedmaps
- https://www.budandbreakfast.com/ – Bud and Breakfast 420-friendly travel accommodations